Marietta Mug


Inspired by loss, made with hope


Every Piece of art has a story…

This is a little more of a personal story. I like to keep things positive on my website and social media posts. But there is a real person behind all the photos. And the truth is, life can be hard sometimes. We go through events that forever change us and grow us into who we are today. I wanted to share with you exactly where this mug has come from. Ever since I was a little girl drawing has always been a way for me to express myself. I have filled countless sketchbooks over the years with drawings of joy and sometimes sorrow. I’ve had 4 miscarriages. During my first 2, God really broke down a lot of walls in my life. Through all the hurt, I was exposed to His comfort and love in a way I have never experienced before. I felt like it was me against the world some days. I often tried to isolate myself. But God patiently showed me over and over just how loved I actually am.

I named this mug Marietta after our first child.

Creating this mug helped me get through some long, hard days. It brought me comfort to be able to sit at the wheel and create something beautiful in the midst of so much pain. To sit and reflect on God’s love for me and the perfect plan He has for my life. And while the loss of our children still hurts, I can rejoice in the hope I have of an eternity with them one day.

Because each child is different I make all of these mugs slightly different in shape and size.

For some this mug is just a pretty mug in their kitchen. For others it reminds them that they have hope.